Paleoclimatic and oceanic dynamics reconstructions from the sediment drifts of the Ross Sea

In this project, the paleoceanographic conditions leading to the growth of sediment drifts west of Hillary Canyon and the current ocean circulation in the Ross Sea continental slope area were investigated. This study made it possible to reconstruct past and present oceanic dynamics and to collect indirect information on the glacial history of this Antarctic sector. Both geophysical and geological data (bathymetric and backscatter, single-channel reflection seismic profiles, sub-bottom acoustic profiles, sediment cores) and oceanographic data (CTD, ADCP, lowered ADCP, XBT and XCTD) were acquired. This project is synergic and complementary with the ANTSSS project financed by EUROFLEETS.


OGS contact
Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide - PNRA
Project type