Sustainability, development and knowledge: the "DIVERSO - Dissemination and research for a sustainable future" project aims to contribute to the dissemination of the sustainable development goals promoted by the United Nations and also known as the 2030 Agenda. increase awareness of the actions and choices that citizens, communities and institutions are called upon to undertake in order to achieve them. Through various activities, events and communication tools, the project aims to reach different audiences, from adults to younger generations.
The project partners are:

  • OGS (capofila)
  • WWF Area Marina Protetta di Miramare
  • Scienza under 18 isontina
  • Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti di Scienze Naturali
  • Associazione culturale Play Res
  • Centro per la Salute del Bambino


OGS role
OGS contact