Producing RegIoNal ClImate Projections Leading to European Services

PRINCIPLES (Producing Regional Climate Projections Leading to European Services) is part of the COPERNICUS Climate Change Service (C3S), established by the Copernicus Program of the European Union and managed by the Commission.

The purpose of C3S is to provide information on European development policies regarding climate change, improve the planning of mitigation and adaptation strategies, and promote the development of new services for the benefit of society.

As part of C3S, a Climate Data Store (CDS) will be developed to provide tools, data, products and services to the user community. PRINCIPLES will extend the ensemble of regional climate projections for Europe based on global climate simulations CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5) and CMIP6. The results of this regional climate simulation ensemble will be integrated into the CDS, becoming the basis for further C3S products and services.


OGS role
EU Copernicus Programme COPERNICUS Climate Change Service (C3S)
Project type