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Immagine dell'anomala distribuzione del campo di stabilità degli idrati del metano nel Mediterraneo - credits Cristina Corradin, Università di Trieste e Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS

This is according to a study involving OGS, the University of Trieste and the University of Oxford. The new findings were obtained using data from international seabed projects and public databases

Acquisizione dati morfobatimetrici con la rompighiaccio Laura Bassi

The OGS is among the organizations that participated in the compilation of the new version of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO), a digital database containing information on the depth of the Southern Ocean. The missions on the research vessel OGS Explora in 2003, 2006

giulia matilde ferrante

Giulia Matilde Ferrante won the SCAR fellowship for early careers

vulcani sottomarini 1

The complex is located in a strategic area for the exploration of the Antarctic ice sheet. The research was carried out on board the icebreaker Laura Bassi


A new study, in which the OGS also participated and which was published in the journal "Communications Earth & Environment", quantifies the mass of the ice sheets and confirms their extreme fragility

41° Convegno del Gruppo Nazionale per la Geofisica della Terra Solida - GNGTS

The 42nd conference of the National Group for Geophysics of the Solid Earth - GNGTS - took place in Ferrara

Ghiaccio artico

The study, in which the OGS also participated, was published in the journal Nature Reviews Earth and Environment

ghiaccio web

An international project, which also involves researchers from the OGS and the University of Trieste, is underway

 Impatto delle attività antropiche e naturali dell'ecosistema marino dovuto alla presenza dei gas idrati nei sedimenti marini.

What are the potential consequences of the decomposition of natural gas hydrate deposits as a result of climate change? And what are the solutions?

pesca dei molluschi

A new article has just been published in People and Nature as the result of a collaboration between OGS and Università degli Studi di Trieste