11th international symposium on antartic earth sciences


The 11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, is held in July in Edinburgh, Scotland. Among other sessions, researches from OGS will present their results in the session "Geological controls on modern and past Antarctic bottom water and marine environment", chaired by Laura De Santis (OGS), Phil O'Brien (Geoscience Australia) and Guy Williams (ACE CRC, Universityof Tasmania, Hobart, Australia). The session seeks to combine geomorphology, physical oceanography, biological data collected in areas of dense water formation and downslope flow in canyoned margins around Antarctica, to better constrain global Southern Ocean circulation in modern and past times, off-shelf sediment and carbon export and the full extent of downslope water current impacts on the deep ecosystem. Examples from the RossSea, Weddell Seaand Amundsen Seaand the Wilkes Landmargin are presented.